Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Changing the Domain

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi defines domain as a set of symbolic rules and procedures.  An example of a domain is mathematics, which is divisible into several finer distinctions such as algebra and number theory.  With regard to domain, "Creativity is any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one.  And the definition of a creative person is: someone whose thoughts or actions change a domain, or establish a new domain" (Creativity, pgs. 27-28).

Bob Marley's artistic domain was music.  In this video, Marley describes the manner in which he and his contemporaries created the musical distinction known as reggae, transforming the domain of music by introducing a new and distinctive sound:

In addition to playing a key role in the creation of a new sub-domain of music, Marley was "The reggae artist with the greatest impact in history, who introduced Jamaican music to the world, and changed the face of global pop music."

How many Marley songs do you know by heart?

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